This advert has stuck in our mind for quite some time now. It's clever. It makes you think.
Sustainable travel champions 'Sustrans' are also clever and make you think. We've been reading their latest input to get us workers considering the impact of how we get to work, a little deeper.
Adding some walking or cycling in to our commute can help us adults meet our 2.5 hours physical activity needed each week to strengthen the heart and cardiovascular system.
That could mean parking 15 minutes from the office or catching the train and cycling to the station.
Sure, you get a good leg stretch, some fresh air, time to think, read or sleep. Or check Facebook. But in these difficult times, we need stats.
How about this?
We are of course a realistic bunch here at PBA Travel. In a country built around the car, it's not always easy to make a 100% switch. Indeed, one of our own PBA Travel Planners bought a new car over Christmas. A nice little Aygo. It's so efficient that with all this bad weather around his driving activity has increased in 2014. But 1 month in, the daily motorway crawl and backstreet rat running has taken its toll and it's back on the saddle and South West Train for at least some of the week.
He now remembers why he used to enjoy breaking up his commute like this. And he thinks you could too. So, as you drive in tomorrow, firstly, remind yourself that it could be worse. But secondly, think about those philosophical Tomtom words above and ask yourself:
Is it time to do this in a different way?
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